Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Do you remember that moment of your very first kiss?

I sure do and I will never forget it. My kiss came from a beautiful girl named Tanya.

She was gorgeous banana custard complexioned with freckles, had an hourglass shape and was the first girl I watched the sunrise with while holding hands.

Tanya was my first puppy love.

I remember the two of us walking upstairs towards my apartment we embraced at my door and the kiss seemed like an eternity. Fireworks are going off in my mind, my palms are getting sweaty and I have never been kissed this way before. We were locked in a passionate moment.

The next thing I know I heard the lock from my apartment door unlock, Tanya broke out of my arms, flew down the stars faster than a cheetah and my mother opened the door. I was still in awe from the kiss and shocked at how fast this girl could move.

I don't know if my mother saw us kissing through the peep hole or just heard movement by the door but it still cracks me up to this day.

I enjoy reminiscing a lot on different things. Especially to times or things when I was triumphant inn a cause or goal. By turning back the pages of my life when I was achieving something and think of how I felt at that particular moment.

By capturing that whole experience I flash back to the present remembering I championed over something before and take on that very same persona in the present to help me be triumphant once again.

Simply because I've been there done that. And with this same determination I will be triumphant again.

You can utilize this method to do several things. I go back to times when I am persuasive, happy, magnetic, and take on that very same persona in the present to help me sell items, make others happy, make friends easily whatever.

Next time you are faced with a challenge that you may be unfamiliar with think back to a time when you were successful. If you need to think of several times when you were successful do that?

Remember how you felt, what you saw, how you walked, talked and all. Then zoom back to the present feeling how you felt in the past to take on your new challenge and see what happens.

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