Thursday, June 25, 2009

Optimistic Pessimism

Optimistic and pessimistic people make the world go round. They are two different perspective views on life. I have friends and associates who are both. I am an optimist myself. Those are the glasses that I see the world through.

In most recent years I have realized that my prescription needed to be changed. So I went to have my prescription updated. Now I can see much better. I have a pair of upgraded bifocals which have optimistic pessimism lenses.

I am so loving these babies too because I look so stylish in them.

They have some pretty amazing features which allows me to see both the bright side as well as the dark side of things.

I can see the positive as well as the negative.

I can see both sides without prejudice.

You know what makes them better than any glasses I have owned in the future.

These lenses are helping me see the negative sides of some possible business investments that normally my optimistic side would probably jump too.

My new lenses allow me to stop being so prejudice of those who have chosen to stay one sided in their approach to life. Whether they are optimistic or pessimistic.

The key to life is wearing a pair of glasses which allows you to see all the opportunities, your situations, and all that the world has to offer you in High Definition in a kaleidoscope of colors.

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