Tuesday, June 9, 2009

2 Words

Did you know that their are two words that will hinder, stagnate, and can possibly destroy your potential in life?

I mean throughout the course of a single day the average person uses (6073 male and 8805 female) words. I mean out of all of those words that we speak inn a day it is alarming that these two little words have that much power in our lives.

Let me share them with you really quick. The two words that I am speaking about are none other than "I Can't."

When was the last time that you used those two words?

I know I have used these two little words on many occasion.

Knowingly saying to myself I can't do this task.
Do you want to know what happened I could not do it.

Just reciting this out loud allowed my conscious, subconscious to lock those words into my thinking while controlling body to follow suit and it didn't happen.

Maybe you have told yourself as well as others I can't find the right man or woman I have tried?

Did you tell yourself I can't find a job in this time of economic drought?

Have seen yourself saying these two words on various occasions in different situations and ending with the very same results unable to succeed?

Stop using those words on yourself they will stagnate, hinder and possibly destroy your potential inn life. We can be our own worst enemies sometime.

When was the last time that someone used the words I can't on you?

Recently I was on the telephone with a doctors office trying to get something accomplished over the phone and the lady on the phone told me I'm sorry sir I can't help you.

I needed to speak with my mothers doctor and she did everything in her power for me to not speak with the doctor. That the doctor did not discuss medical business over the phone. I mean this lady was the gatekeeper from hell. I could feel my frustration swelling up.

I paused for a moment took a deep breath and said I see. Well I would like you to put me on to someone who could help me. She told me to call back later because the office was flooded with patients. Needless to say that when I called back I asked to speak with the nurse who was more than helpful and cooperative.

Just from speaking with her I not only was able to find out all that I needed to know but from then on out my mother only received royal treatment every time she comes into that office.

That other woman tried using the words I can't to discourage me. However, because I know and love the power of words and I am not intimidated by the words that people use she couldn't stop me in my tracks.

Stop allowing the words I can't to stop you from acing that test, accomplishing that goal, finding that mate, finding that job,making a better life, finding a new opportunity.

Leave those words I can't out of your vocabulary if you have been using them against yourself . Only use it if you need to use it to empower you to do something or to stop somebody in their tracks.

Until next time make today the best day that you can.

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