Monday, June 8, 2009

The Power of Words

Saturday night I had the quickest and biggest argument that I have ever had with the love of my life. There were things she said to me that have forever changed things between the both of us. I forgive her for saying them to me. However, I never expected to hear those words of fire blown my direction coming from her lips.

People get upset in life by allowing their emotions to get the best of them and saying some pretty harsh things. Things that are completely unnecessary to say.

Remember to be very mindful about what you say because words spoken to someone can never be taken back. We are all made in the image of God which means our words are omnipotent (all powerful)as God's words. So we have the power to build and destroy.

It is of vital importance that we realize just how powerful our words are. They can be a burst of refreshing energy that transforms the life of another or they can be scud missiles which destroy the very foundations that were so wonderfully built in an instant.

The power of your words are always creating things in your life.

You are constantly speaking into existence the things that you are seeing. If you want your life to change in a magnanimous way filled with grace and beauty learn to speak words that will build the life you so desperately want.

Until next time you must always remember the power of words.

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