Friday, July 17, 2009

Life Changing Quotes

I have to admit I love reading quotes. I even write my own. I have found some of the most inspirational comfort, strength and insight from quotes from people from all walks of life.

I want to share a few of my favorites with you. It is my wish that they will be as helpful or even more helpful to you as they were to me. I will give you the backdrop of each quote before sharing it.

Ten years ago we were having an afternoon church program in which I was called up to participate along with several other people. We each had to gather small pieces of paper from out of a cap and do what the paper said.

I reached into the black cap not knowing what to expect. When I opened up the paper it told me to recite the written words. I have never forgotten those words because they have had an amazing impact upon my life. Here are the words I shared I shared with the congregation and I now share them with you.

"To be a champion, you have to believe in yourself when nobody else will." Sugar Ray Robinson

The first time that I read this quote i didn't know who wrote it. But the moment I read the words they became my motto. I made this quote my motto because I call myself the comeback kid. Every time I have lost something or someone I have always been able to comeback stronger and having more than what I lost in the first place.

Here they are:

"A setback is a setup for a comeback." Author Unknown

I was never satisfied with just seeing those words at the end of the quote. That is because I needed to find out who made this profound quote because it continuously has amazing impact upon my life. In my quest I found out that Willy Joppy is the creator of the quote and has a book entitled that.

"A setback is a setup for a comeback." Willy Joppy

I want to share one more quote and with this I will bid you farewell. This quote was found most recently. I had it posted in my office at work. It is extremely powerful. Mind blowing in every facet and life changing in every dimension when it is comprehended fully.

In fact, it hung up in my office for weeks before I truly gleamed all the knowledge wisdom and understanding found in the quote.

I warn you that it must be dissected to get the full impact. So let me share it then we will dissect it and be blown away. Here is the quote:

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore,is not an act but a habit."

1st We are what we repeatedly do? Now what is it that you repeatedly do? Do you complain, start trouble, help people, con people, steal from people etc. etc. Whatever it is that we repeatedly do we are.

2nd Excellence, therefore is not an act but a habit. So what we repeatedly do makes us experts in that particular area.

Whatever you do, be it good or bad you become excellent at it. I want you to ponder all the things that you repeatedly do on a daily basis?

I want you to relax and think on this for two minutes. Give yourself time to reflect on your routine.

Why not work on the good habits you have.

The key to life is developing good habits that you become excellent in. Now let us read the quote again and I will see you next time.

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore,is not an act but a habit."

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