Thursday, October 22, 2009

Why Could Be Killing You?

Did you know that asking yourself why questions can depress you, cripple you and even kill your spirit?

How many times have you said to yourself questions like this?

Why is this happening to me?

Why did she leave me for someone else?

Why doesn't my job appreciate me?

Why don't my children listen to me?

Why do I work to just pay bills?

I think that you get the picture.

Why questions could be killing you?

Let me explain. Look at the first question from the why question list.

Why is this happening?
Asking yourself this question causes you to examine several things within yourself and build an inside and outside case against yourself. Now if you are building a case upon yourself from the inside out then you are placing yourself not only in trouble but you are psychologically and emotionally brainwashing yourself to be your own worst enemy.

I say this because you will relentlessly look for reasons that not only answer the question but they will make you feel worst about yourself. The will provide a self sabotaging effect to you.

Why questions urge us to find reasons to have our own pity parties. This breeds within us the desire to share some of our answers with other people. Causing our pity party to grow in size, purpose and negative energy that zaps our entire beings.

This is the main reason why could be killing you.

Each one of these why questions prime you to open a huge Pandora's box of problems.

The lightning fast way to change this and get a grip is by asking yourself what questions?

What questions empower you to build resolve 2 fight against situations and builds optimism within.

Instead of asking yourself why is this happening to me.
You ask yourself what questions like this:

What can I learn from this situation?

What people do I know who may have gone through this situation?

What visual pictures can I use to help me gain strength?

What can I do right now to help get me out of this situation?

What people can help me get out of this situation?

What short-term and mid-term goals can I set for myself?

What is my complete freedom plan to bring me from trouble to triumph?

See how you have changed your whole strategy just with simply changing the type of questions you ask yourself.

Let's do another one really quick before I close out this post with this other why question. Why did she leave me for someone else?

What did I do right in this relationship?

What did I do wrong in this relationship?

What did she do right in this relationship?

What did she do wrong in this relationship?

What did I learn about myself in this relationship?

What great qualities do I have to bring to a relationship?

What good to great quality traits do I want in a possible mate?

That pretty much does it for today.

Now you know What to do.

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